Worship with us, Sundays at 10:00am
You will find everything from business casual dress to blue jeans, and shorts in the summer. We always have a variety of coffees, teas, and ice water on hand, and you’ll find a great blend of contemporary and ancient forms of worship infused with plenty of interactive teaching.
NEW PERMANENT LOCATION: We are moving to our new location at 4163 Roosevelt Avenue in Louisville. We will continue to meet at 10:00 am Sundays and 7:15 pm on Wednesdays for Celebrate Recovery.Click here for a map.
Living On Purpose
September 2024
Trying to discover the purpose of our lives can lead to a lot of questions. Who am I? Why am I here? What does living with purpose look like? Often, the world is all too ready to give us answers – promising that finding the perfect job or achieving the next milestone will make us happy. But in this series, we will embrace the questions as an invitation to discover what it is that God wants to do with the story of our lives.
Some things are better in groups. That’s the church at it’s best – when we connect to learn, live, and serve together. Find the group that’s right for you!
We Want to Pray for You
Click the button below to let us know how we can be praying for you and your loved ones.
Spiritual vitality looks like a family that grows in their faith together. Our communities for youth of all ages are a great place to learn and grow, make new friends, and have fun!
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Coming Events
This is just a small sampling of our upcoming events. To see our full calendar, click on the button below.