In a busy world, families are looking deeper levels of connection. Revolution wants the whole family to have a positive experience by growing in their faith together.

LittlePeeps, for kiddos 6 months to 4 years of age, is located upstairs with a team of nursery and childcare workers. These little ones meet during our Sunday morning worship services to experience interactive Bible story lessons while parents are in the main worship gathering!

RevolutionKids is geared toward elementary school children in grades Kindergarten through 4th grade. During our Sunday morning worship gatherings, kids are dismissed after the opening worship music to have their own age-appropriate time of connecting, teaching, and activity. We encourage parents to drop their kids off personally their first time, and then kids are free to go on their own once they are dismissed from morning worship.

When your child enters the tween/teen years, they enter a world of questions, competing worldviews, and discovering their unique identity and beliefs. IMPACT is here to help your student grow into a confident young adult, strong in their faith, who is ready to impact the world around them with their talents, gifts, strengths, and the love and compassion of Christ that changes lives. IMPACT meets Sunday evenings during the school year from 4:00-6:00 with dinner, a study, games, and outreach events.