Find out what your kids are up to this month in LittlePeeps to continue the conversations and spiritual growth at home.
A fall family event.
Mark your calendar for this year’s Fall Festival! Sunday, Oct. 25th from 5 to 7 pm. This socially distanced event is for all ages. Bring your picnic dinner and set up on the lawn to enjoy live music. Across the blacktop, kids will be set-up for creativity with their own creative space and chalk. Kids can enter their chalk designs into a contest with a prize for 1st place winner. Optional pumpkin painting available. And of course, individually packaged candy that kids can add to this year’s candy stash and costumes are welcome to be worn by kids of all ages! Be sure to register your child by Sunday, October 18th at midnight so that we have their creative area prepared and sign up to serve at this event.
LittlePeeps Childcare is Open for InPerson Worship.
RevolutionKids and LittlePeeps’ Childcare ministries are open for in-person learning and care held on Sunday mornings at the 9:20am service and Wednesday evenings for Celebrate Recovery meetings. There are some things to have on your radar:
- Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures
- Social Distancing, Masks, & Sanitation
- To safely adhere to social distancing standards, LittlePeeps will be for children ages 1 to 4. Children under the age of 1 will need to remain with their parents at this time.
- For children 5 and up, we offer RevolutionKids Services. For children in this 5 and up age range who do not want to attend RevolutionKids Services, they will need to remain with parents as they will not be able to play in the LittlePeeps area at this time.
- For RevolutionKids What to Expect, Visit HERE
- CELEBRATE RECOVERY: LittlePeeps nursery area will currently be open to ages 1 to 5th grade for childcare during the Wednesday night service.
A word from Student Ministries Director, Amy Carlson.
LittlePeeps are Virtual Worship.
Have you missed the weekly worship videos for LittlePeeps? Get them delivered directly to your email inbox each Sunday morning by signing up for our e-blast at the bottom of the page. Videos each week include worship songs, prayer, and biblical lesson.
Stay tuned each week to keep your kids connected with their church family and growing in God while social distancing.
Abraham 5-Week Series (9/27 to 10/25)
Upcoming Kids’ Night Out!
Currently cancelled in response to COVID-19 recommendations. Stay tuned as we will be back again for more fun!
There are 30 spots available to attend. Registration will remain open until all 30 spots are filled or until midnight the Thursday before scheduled event, which ever comes first.
Building healthy kids stems from healthy parent relationships. We provide a place for your kids to come and connect with other kids under the supervision of certified childcare workers, while you take a break and care for yourselves. Ages 6 months and up are welcome. The cost is $15 for the first child with a $25 family cap.
Registration closes each week on Thursday night the week of Kids’ Night Out at midnight. Register Here.
Questions? Contact amy.carlson@revolutionky.org.