

Author Archives Micah Vandgrift

Party Time!

Posted by Micah Vandgrift on June 01, 2024  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Party Time! Summer 2024 The heart of worship is celebration! We celebrate who God is, what God has done for us in Jesus, and the new Spirit-filled lives we get to live because of it. By taking the time to celebrate God’s gifts to us — gifts of diversity, unity, promise, and new life –

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Sent: Mission Possible

Posted by Micah Vandgrift on April 11, 2024  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Sent: Mission Possible Easter 2024 Everyday we interact with people who are struggling with life and spiritual questions on their own without a community of wisdom or support to lean on. Yet studies show that most people who do not go to church currently would go if someone they knew invited them. So why are

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Holy Humor Sunday

Posted by Micah Vandgrift on April 07, 2024  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Holy Humor Second Sunday of Easter Known historically as “the Easter laugh,” this Sunday after Easter was set aside to celebrate God’s victory over the grave and the great cosmic joke on the enemy: the tomb is empty and Christ is alive! This year we will celebrate with music, laughter, and some good cheesy jokes.

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Any Questions?

Posted by Micah Vandgrift on February 13, 2024  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Any Questions? Lent 2024 What is the will of God? Why do bad things happen to good people? How can I face the future? Does prayer really work? Asking questions and having doubts is a normal part of the human experience. We do not have to be ashamed of our doubts or hide our questions

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The Voice

Posted by Micah Vandgrift on January 25, 2024  /   Posted in Podcast Series

The Voice February 2024 Our world is a noisy place, with many voices vying for our time and attention. Yet God has given his spirit of wisdom for guidance, comfort, and power. Throughout scripture, this Spirit is described as a hovering cloud, tongues of fire, wind, and also as a voice. How can we hear

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Fresh Start

Posted by Micah Vandgrift on December 31, 2023  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Fresh Start January 2024 Who doesn’t want a fresh start, a clean slate? That is exactly what Jesus offers us; he gives us the chance to begin anew every single day. But this is no ordinary fresh start. When we say yes to God’s new beginning in our lives, we are saying yes to an

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Back to the Future

Posted by Micah Vandgrift on December 03, 2023  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Back to the Future Advent 2023 What are the promises of God revealed to God’s people through the prophets? How were these words received then? Have they been fulfilled in Christ? What promises are we still waiting for? Join us this Advent and Christmas as we journey back to the words of Isaiah to hear

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Grateful For…

Posted by Micah Vandgrift on October 29, 2023  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Grateful For… November 2023 It has been a wild year, yet God has provided and made and impact through us in powerful ways. So let’s celebrate! For all that we have been through, and for all the ways we have seen God’s glory and power at work, we give thanks. Join us in a teaching

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The Parable of the Lost Son

Posted by Micah Vandgrift on October 19, 2023  /   Posted in Podcast Series

The Parable of the Lost Son October 2023 two part series The prodigal son is a story in Scripture that might be familiar to many, but it is one worth revisiting for fresh insights about God’s mercy. Join us October 22 & 29 as we examine this part of scripture, first focusing on the younger

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In a Hurry

Posted by Micah Vandgrift on September 03, 2023  /   Posted in Podcast Series

In a Hurry Fall 2023 We live in the digital age with more information at our fingertips than ever before. There is always more to read, see, watch, and do, overwhelmed by the deluge of news, social media, streaming platforms, and alerts. The result is that many of us feel hurried, stressed, behind, and just

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