A new year brings excitement of new plans, goals, and hopes. But a new year is also an unknown frontier; what will the year have in store? What should we do or where should we go? 2019 was a challenging year in the life of our church, full of change and transition. We made it through, but now what? Join us this new year in a study of Exodus as we venture back to that wilderness school, where in order to go forward, the Israelites must get to know this God and learn what it means to be God’s people. As we remember their story, may we find the courage to trust God into the wilderness of a new year.

Braving the Wilderness - Week # 1: God Knows (1.5.20)
Jan 6, 2020 • 30:13
Braving the Wilderness - Week # 2: God Calls (1.12.20)
Jan 13, 2020 • 30:53
Braving the Wilderness - Week #3: God Saves (1.19.20)
Jan 20, 2020 • 33:16
Braving the Wilderness - Week # 4: God Provides (1.26.20)
Jan 27, 2020 • 36:25
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