We live in uncertain times. The future is always uncertain, so it is easy to worry over what tomorrow will bring, fear the unknown, and doubt God’s provision through it all. How can we learn to trust God’s promises, power, and protection? How can we trust God to provide all that we need in this life? Join us this October as we consider the image of birds in the gospel of Matthew and how they might offer us encouragement on the faithfulness of God.

RSS Feed
Consider the Birds - Week # 1: Trusting In God's Provision (10.13.19)
Oct 14, 2019 • 26:58
Consider the Birds - Week # 2: Trusting In God's Protection (10.20.19)
Oct 21, 2019 • 26:52
Consider the Birds - Week # 3: The Speckled Bird (10.27.19)
Oct 28, 2019 • 37:09
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