In-Person Worship (9:20 + 11 am)
Because we have limited space and have to follow special guidelines for our services at this time, it is important to read ahead and know what to do if you plan to join us in-person. And don’t worry, if you want to attend remotely, we’ll still be streaming our services by video for everyone to join in from home.
General Guidelines for Worship
- Our worship services will remain at 9:20AM and 11:00AM. At 25% capacity, this will allow for 60 people to attend each service (+ staff and worship team). We will utilize a sign-up form to help us monitor capacity and to let you know once a service fills up. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU REGISTER IF YOU PLAN TO ATTEND IN-PERSON. Click on the button below to sign up.
- All members who are at risk due to age or health conditions are encouraged to continue worshipping from home.
- We will continue to offer an online worship experience, moving forward with a live recorded or live streamed Sunday worship as we acquire the necessary video equipment.
- Masks must be worn while in the church building. We will have cloth masks available for anyone who needs them, including kids’ sizes. Children under 2 should not wear masks.
- We will maintain practices of social distancing through spaced seating of family units and non-contact greeting. Alternating rows of chairs will be roped off for 9:20 worship and then switched for 11:00 so that each group uses separate chairs and reduces the need for sanitizing chairs between services.
- Coffee will not be served at this time. Please do not plan to come early or stay late (unless you are helping serve or clean) to allow us time and space to disinfect surfaces for each service.
- Little Peeps childcare and Revolution Kids will not open until further guidance from the state on reopening childcare facilities.
- Communion will be served with individual cups and wafers to avoid sharing germs. If you would like to help serve communion, you can let us know using the registration form.
Building Safety
- Traffic will enter building through the main entrance and then exit the building after worship through the two side sanctuary doors.
- The second floor, kitchen, and warehouse area will be closed for staff use only.
- Every other toilet and urinal will be closed in the first-floor bathrooms to allow for social distancing.
- “Bathroom attendants” will be deployed for regular wipe down and disinfecting of all surfaces in bathrooms.
- Spray disinfectant will be used for a thorough cleaning in between worship services, as well as a wipe down of common surfaces, doorknobs, and light switches.