

Worship (10:00 am)

Join us in-person or online at 10:00 on Sunday mornings!

Our in-person gatherings are informal, and include about 30 minutes of contemporary worship and 30 minutes of biblical, applicable, and engaging teaching. We celebrate communion weekly (open to everyone), and services last approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. Dress comfortably… seriously. You will find everything from business casual to blue jeans, and shorts in the summer. Our chairs are comfy and you’ll always be welcomed with a smile and a chance to meet new people. We are proud to brew Collide Coffee during our services, which helps support missions in places like the Dominican Republic. Grab a cup in our café before the service!

Online gatherings are hosted by a live team that is ready to engage in conversation, prayer (in private chatrooms), and help guide you to all the right places during the service. Public chats begin 10 minutes before each service and end 10 minutes after each service to allow you to introduce yourself and get to know others in our online community.