Guest Services (Greeting, Parking, Info, & Hospitality)
Our Guest Services Team is often the first way people interact with our Revolution family. A smiling face, a door held open, a warm greeting, a hot cup of coffee, and help getting acquainted with the right people and resources enhance their ability to feel loved, growing, and involved. Members of this team serve on rotation, based on availability, and may serve at one or both services once every 4-6 weeks.
Connect Team (Greeters)
Our Connect Team greets our members and guests once they enter the building and again in the sanctuary, and helps people find their way to a seat, the café, the restrooms, the kid’s area, and wherever else they need to go.
Parking Team (Signage, Umbrellas, Door Holding)
Our Parking Team makes sure our signs are setup and put away every Sunday and is the first face our guests see as the team opens the door for each person. In rainy weather, this team meets guests at their cars with umbrellas, and in cases where overflow parking is needed, they help direct traffic and open our rear entrance.
Info Team (Sign-Ups, Welcome Gifts, General Information)
The Info Team helps members and guests get connected to resources that can help them serve, find a small group, learn about our family programs, and more. They help with online giving and sign-ups, collect information from our guests, and help distribute welcome gifts and other promotional items.
Hospitality (Coffee)
The Hospitality Team makes sure our coffee is brewed, the water dispenser is filled, and our café supplies are stocked and ready to go. They also ensure these items are cleaned and restocked after our Sunday services.