It’s that time of year when the horses run, flowers bloom, boats are launched, and golf courses are filled with people. Life begins to bloom and remind us of a new season of God’s activity as he’s working in our lives to fill us with real life – abundant life. David captured this kind of life in Psalm 23 when he wrote about his Shepherd that was guiding and leading him all throughout his life. Join us this Spring at Revolution Church for our latest teaching series Filled and find out what the Filled life is all about.

Filled - Week # 1: My Shepherd (5.6.18)
May 7, 2018 • 32:28
Filled - Week # 2: Pastures (05.13.18)
May 14, 2018 • 34:49
Filled - Week # 3: The Valley (5.20.18)
May 21, 2018 • 30:01
Filled - Week #4: Provision (5.27.18)
May 29, 2018 • 30:00
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