

Serving the Homeless In a Pandemic

Here’s how one of our groups (led by the Taylors and Garners) is making an impact in our community. To learn how you can get involved, reach out to us at

Covid has put a bit of a dent on some of our outreach, limiting our time together. But, the good news is, our group has been able to continue serving in ways that are comfortable to us.

Some in our group are serving our homeless community weekly. We go to the camps with supplies: propane, burritos, cold weather gear, prenatal vitamins, shoes, stoves, sterno, tents, sleeping bags, and many other seasonal needs.

That really is the easy part. Getting the supplies is a constant challenge and our house group and their friends have contributed in many ways. Some make burritos and ask their non-Revolution friends to help. We need about 80-100 burritos weekly. Others have asked their friends to donate cold weather clothes and supplies. And, perhaps most important, we are bathed in prayer weekly.

Covid is ugly and a serious concern, but our group continues to provide. I know we could not serve our community without a total group effort.