One of the most essential beliefs of the Church that has stood for nearly 1,700 years is that God is Triune – Father, Son, and Spirit, three persons and one God, and one God in three persons. If you’ve been a Christian for a bit, you’ve probably heard this before. If you are investigating the Christian faith maybe your thought is, “What!?!?” Either way, as much as you’ve heard it or as crazy as it might sound, why does believing this matter? And more importantly, how can we even make sense of it? Join us this Easter Season at Revolution Church for our latest teaching series on the Trinity.

The Trinity - Week # 1: From Clarity to Confusion (3.10.19)
Mar 11, 2019 • 29:23
The Trinity - Week # 2: The Father (3.17.19)
Mar 18, 2019 • 27:15
The Trinity - Week # 3: Holy Spirit (3.24.19)
Mar 25, 2019 • 38:03
The Trinity - Week # 4: Creation (3.31.19)
Apr 1, 2019 • 33:25
The Trinity - Week #5: Incarnation (4.7.19)
Apr 8, 2019 • 30:23
The Trinity - Week # 6: Atonement (4.14.19)
Apr 15, 2019 • 36:05
The Trinity - Week # 7: Resurrection (4.19.19)
Apr 23, 2019 • 32:40
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