Revolution Church Core Purpose Reveal:
Helping people see Jesus (Acts 17:27)
- Experiential Worship making sacred space to experience & respond to God
- A Ministry Canvas of many styles to connect with God and people
- Creative Arts and Technology in Worship for a vivid teaching experience
- Hospitality because church is meant to be your home too
Why Reveal?
Listed above is one of the core purposes of Revolution Church: Reveal. How is God revealing himself to you? A sunset? A newborn baby’s smile? An encouraging word? In prayer? Through music? In a photograph or painting? All around us God is moving, Reveal-ing himself to us that we may come to know God personally, what God is like, and what God wants for us and for the world. Our desire is to help you see God at work and join God in that work.
What is worship like at Revolution Church?
Related to this purpose of Reveal is an important question: “What is worship like?” This is an important question, as it shapes the way that we connect with God and express our love for God. Even more, worship preferences have become a key issue for churches. Here’s how our purpose of Reveal fits into our vision of worship that occurs 9:20 and 11:00 a.m. on Sunday mornings.

Worship is like…an artist’s palette
The goal of our Reveal purpose at Revolution Church is to help people connect with God on that particular Sunday in ways that are most helpful to them. We see worship much like an artist’s palette: there are a variety of colors, brushes, canvasses, and techniques – all of which can be used to bring glory to God and bring people closer to God.
Think about it: we live in a culture that listens to the radio, watches television, and surfs the internet all at the same time. Our society is thoroughly individualistic but at the same time longs for relationship and community. Our thought in being the church is to offer a variety of worship sights, sounds, and touches, all of which communicate God’s revolutionary love.
If you don’t want to sing in worship because you need silence instead, we have space for that. If you need to talk to someone more on a Sunday than sing then there is space for this too. Have you ever had a question during a sermon? You might choose to send a text message for a response at the end of the sermon, or if technology isn’t your thing, attend a break-out session after worship.
Have you ever been moved in worship but wondered, “How can I get involved in the revolution?” We do our best to give specific opportunities at the end of worship each week so you can be God’s revolution in the world. Ultimately, our hope is to partner with God so that God may be revealed to all who come for worship.
Worship music is…only part of worship?
Music is one of the key questions about worship these days. So what is music like at Revolution Church? It is contemporary, but there may be hymns set to contemporary music. It may feature music written by our own music staff for worship gatherings at Revolution Church. Keep in mind that music isn’t the only element in worship. Creeds, Sacraments, video, prayer, drama, silence, sacred liturgies, fellowship, Scripture reading, and a variety of other elements are part of worship.

Again, it’s like an artist’s palette – there are a variety of sounds, sights, and textures to be applied. Revolution Church makes use of all these Reveal methods of worship as each of them helps us know God better and expresses our love and thanksgiving to God.
What about the sermon…or teaching?
And finally, there is the teaching element of worship. We like teaching better than preaching because it’s all about learning and growth. Our teaching segment might be a little longer because our desire is to take the teachings of Jesus a little deeper. We are making available twitter and text-messaging technologies soon so you can ask questions and receive an answer to your question at the end of the teaching segment in worship.
Or if using technology is not appealing to you, you might attend a break-out session we will have at the end of each worship gathering. We will make our Sunday morning teaching available via podcast on our website. We send out a weekly e-mail that contains a short preview podcast of the upcoming teaching so you can invite others. We utilize mostly series based teaching, although during the special seasons of the year like Advent (Christmas season) and Lent (Easter season) we use the lectionary – a grouping of commonly shared Scriptures for that season.
Best of all? Our teaching integrates with what our kids, youth, house church groups and other ministries at Revolution Church so everyone – at every age – are learning the same life-changing teaching but on an age-appropriate level. We long for God to Reveal himself not just individually, but corporately, and in the lives of families.
This may not answer all of your questions about what the Reveal purpose is all about at Revolution. So…come and find out! Join us for worship at 9:20 or 11:00 am on Sundays.