

Author Archives Micah Vandgrift

Tossing and Turning

Posted by Micah Vandgrift on August 02, 2023  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Tossing and Turning August 2023 All of us have things that keep us up at night, tossing and turning. What does the future hold for me? Does the Bible even talk about that? Is God too big to worry about my everyday life concerns? Join us this August as we explore the wilderness journeys of

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Summer With Friends

Posted by Micah Vandgrift on July 13, 2023  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Summer With Friends July 2023 We’re inviting some friends to come over this summer to join us in our mission of transforming lives through teaching and service. Over the next three weeks we will welcome Debbie, Jamelle, and Larry to worship with us as they share the message God has placed on their hearts. Watch

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Summer of Psalms

Posted by Micah Vandgrift on June 03, 2023  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Summer of Psalms Summer 2023 The Psalms reflect just about every emotion and mood of our human experience, from shouts of praise to wrestling with the hardest questions about suffering. Their voice is refreshingly spontaneous in conversation with the divine through poetry, prayer, and of course, song. This summer, we will celebrate the rich diversity

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Posted by Micah Vandgrift on April 24, 2023  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Rooted Spring 2023 In Ephesians 3, Paul prays for the church in Ephesus that they may be rooted and grounded in love and be filled with the fullness of God. What does it mean to be rooted and grounded? How can we continue to bear fruit for the Kingdom that will last? And what are

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Posted by Micah Vandgrift on February 13, 2023  /   Posted in Podcast Series

renew Lent 2023 We know what the scriptures say, we are supposed to forgive others as Jesus forgave us. But how do we do that in a world that seems so easily offended and unapologetic? What does true forgiveness look like? And how does it differ from reconciliation? We all long to experience healing, wholeness,

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