Behind the Music
July 2021
For centuries our Church heritage as been influenced by the powerful songs that we sing. What we sing offers a proclamation to the world as to what we believe. What we sing lifts us up in good times and in bad.
When we sing the traditional hymns, we join in the great cloud of witnesses that all sang them before us, while preserving their beauty for the generations to come. This summer, come hear the stories of some of the most recognizable hymns in our history and their inspiration.
Watch Messages
You can also watch or listen to our podcasts using the Revolution Church of KY mobile app! CLICK HERE to download the app today!
Week # 1: Amazing Grace (July 4, 2021)
Week # 2: Holy, Holy, Holy (July 11, 2021)
Week # 3: How Great Thou Art (July 18, 2021)
Study Questions
Our Renovation Home Groups are enjoying summer break. We encourage groups to meet socially over the summer or dive into one of the Alternate Studies posted on our website. Regular discussion materials will resume with our Fall Kickoff event in September.
Audio-Only Podcasts
Stay tuned for the first podcast from this series, coming this Sunday!

Behind The Music – Week # 1: Amazing Grace (07.04.21)
Jul 4, 2021 • 42:29
Behind The Music – Week # 2: Holy, Holy, Holy (07.11.21)
Jul 11, 2021 • 31:45
Behind The Music - Week #3: How Great Thou Art (7.18.2021)
Jul 18, 2021 • 37:49
Hear More + Subscribe
Want to hear more? Check out our Previous Teaching Podcasts page for a library of teachings from the past several years. Or click a link below to subscribe to our audio podcasts on iTunes or GooglePlay.