

Podcast Series

Waiting on a Miracle – August 2022

Posted by Matt Bauer on August 15, 2022  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Waiting on a Miracle August 2022 Do you ever feel like you are just waiting on a miracle? Waiting for something to change? Waiting for your life, and the relationships that define it, to be different? Whether within our families, our friend groups, or our church community, relationships can be tough. From the things we

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Down to the River – Summer 2022

Posted by Matt Bauer on June 30, 2022  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Down to the River Summer 2022 Water is powerful; it can cleanse, move, rush, and change the things around it. Water is vital to all forms of life. In Scripture, we see that mighty changes happen along the banks of rivers. Join us this summer as we travel “down to the river” to explore the

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Holy Ghost Stories – June 2022

Posted by Matt Bauer on June 01, 2022  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Holy Ghost Stories June 2022 Sometimes God feels far off; sometimes the work and presence of God feels like a mystery. When it comes to the Triune nature of God, the Holy Spirit is often least understood or known. Who is the Holy Spirit? And how can we experience its power and presence today? Join

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Come and See – May 2022

Posted by Matt Bauer on April 25, 2022  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Come and See May 2022 It’s the power of an invitation; to a long-awaited wedding, a party with good friends, a dinner with the new neighbor. Do you remember how it felt? To feel welcome, to be included, to join in with the celebration and connection. In the gospel of John, the life-changing invitation to

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Vice – Lent 2022

Posted by Matt Bauer on March 01, 2022  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Vice Lent 2022 Vice (n.)- immoral or wicked behavior; a moral failing or a bad habit; character traits that are obstacles to living well. Synonym: Sin. Talking about sin makes us uncomfortable. We can identify and try to avoid the “bad ones.” It’s easy to see in the lives of our neighbors. And evil is

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The Way of Love – February 2022

Posted by Matt Bauer on February 02, 2022  /   Posted in Podcast Series

The Way of Love February 2022 We know what the scriptures say: love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength; love your neighbors as yourself; love is patient and kind; God is love. But living the way of love in Jesus is a daily challenge. Does love really make a difference

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Courageous – January 2022

Posted by Matt Bauer on January 03, 2022  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Courageous January 2022 Our world often tells us that being courageous is about strength, bravery, and heroic acts. To be courageous means to be tough in the face of adversity. But scripture gives us a different model. We are called to be courageous, but often that doesn’t look like success, strength, or winning. Join us

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What Is God Like? – Advent 2021

Posted by Matt Bauer on November 22, 2021  /   Posted in Podcast Series

What Is God Like? Advent 2021 While much about who God is and how God works remains a mystery, we can know what God is like through the revelations of God that have been given to us: the images and names of God revealed in scripture, the tradition and experience of the Church, and at

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Come to the Table – November 2021

Posted by Matt Bauer on November 03, 2021  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Come to the Table November 2021 Throughout the Gospels, Jesus shared meals with others. In a world where there is an upsurge of hate and division, and a growing uncertainty about what the future holds. God calls us, as followers of Jesus Christ, to make space for all of God’s children at the table. As

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Connections – October 2021

Posted by Matt Bauer on September 27, 2021  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Connections October 2021 Life is busy, full, uncertain, and stressful. Some seasons are so overwhelming that we are left feeling tired, fragmented, disconnected, with little energy left to give toward our own spiritual lives. In these wild times, how can we breathe deeply and feel rejuvenated? How can we become more aware of the presence

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