

Podcast Series

Abundance (Live Generously) – Spring 2019

Posted by Matt Bauer on April 23, 2019  /   Posted in Podcast Series

All of us want to live an abundant life, but not all of us feel like we’re living in it. Jesus came that we would live abundantly, so where is the disconnect between that promise and our everyday life? Scripture teaches us that with the measure we give we will receive, pressed down, shaken together,

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The Trinity – Easter 2019

Posted by Matt Bauer on March 04, 2019  /   Posted in Podcast Series

One of the most essential beliefs of the Church that has stood for nearly 1,700 years is that God is Triune – Father, Son, and Spirit, three persons and one God, and one God in three persons. If you’ve been a Christian for a bit, you’ve probably heard this before. If you are investigating the

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How to Throwdown Without a Showdown – February 2019

Posted by Matt Bauer on February 04, 2019  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Why is it that our disagreements escalate so quickly? One minute it’s a disagreement, and the next minute it seems like we’ve been invited into the octagon for a mixed martial arts fight. Thankfully, the Scriptures show us that conflict is manageable and can be life-changing for the good. Find out how to throwdown without

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Facing the Giants – January 2019

Posted by Matt Bauer on December 31, 2018  /   Posted in Podcast Series

We’ve all seen and struggled with a giant or two in our lives. Giants seem to be overwhelming, unbeatable, and most of all…they tend to keep us fixated on how big they are and how small and powerless we are. This January, join us at Revolution Church and learn how to fight the giants from

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JOY – Christmas 2018

Posted by Matt Bauer on December 04, 2018  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Joy. It’s the core ingredient of Christmas.  A people who walked in darkness have seen a great light!  An angel comes with good news of great joy!  The magi rejoiced with great joy when they saw the star! In the season of joy to the world, how we can we know God’s joy, find our

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20/20 Vision – Fall 2018

Posted by Matt Bauer on December 04, 2018  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Vision. The Bible says that without it…the people perish. Corporate America says that every organization needs a vision for where it’s going. What about Revolution Church? Where are we headed? What’s God calling us to do? Join us as we unpack life at Revolution Church through the 2020 year. listen hear more + subscribe Want

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Neighbors – Fall 2018

Posted by Matt Bauer on December 04, 2018  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Wherever you live, you have them. How well do you know them? How much do you interact with them? If they were in need for more than a stick of butter or gas for the lawnmower, would you help them? Neighbors. Jesus has plenty to say about them. Find out just who our neighbors are,

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LEGIT – Late Summer 2018

Posted by Matt Bauer on December 04, 2018  /   Posted in Podcast Series

We want it. We work on it. We try to gain it. Character. Character matters. Who we are, what we value, how we live, what we’ll live and die for – these are some of the many questions we answer when it comes to character. The book of Titus is a letter from Paul to

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My Favorite Sermon – Summer 2018

Posted by Matt Bauer on December 04, 2018  /   Posted in Podcast Series

These are some of our all-time favorite messages. But whether old or new, they each have a timeless impact on our lives as Christians. Check them out this summer and maybe they’ll become you’re favorites too! listen hear more + subscribe Want to hear more? Check out our Previous Teaching Podcasts page for a library

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Shears, Shoots, and Fruit – June 2018

Posted by Matt Bauer on December 04, 2018  /   Posted in Podcast Series

Jesus is getting ready to fulfill his mission. He’s on his way to the cross.He has been betrayed by Judas. He has told Peter he will deny him three times in a matter of hours. So then they leave the meal wondering… will it be their last meal together? And that’s when he takes them

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