

Teaching Archives

  • Lessons From Inside Out - Lessons From Inside Out August 2024 Joy, fear, sadness, envy, anxiety and embarrassment all live within us. How do these emotions connect us to God and one another? How can recognizing our emotions help us live more fully as followers of Jesus? One thing we… View Podcasts...
  • Summer With Friends 2024 - Summer With Friends July 2024 We're inviting some friends to come over this summer to join us in our mission of transforming lives through teaching and service. Over the next three weeks we will welcome Harry, Darrell, and Jamelle to worship with us as they… View Podcasts...
  • Party Time! - Party Time! Summer 2024 The heart of worship is celebration! We celebrate who God is, what God has done for us in Jesus, and the new Spirit-filled lives we get to live because of it. By taking the time to celebrate God’s gifts to us… View Podcasts...
  • Sent: Mission Possible - Sent: Mission Possible Easter 2024 Everyday we interact with people who are struggling with life and spiritual questions on their own without a community of wisdom or support to lean on. Yet studies show that most people who do not go to church currently would… View Podcasts...
  • Holy Humor Sunday - Holy Humor Second Sunday of Easter Known historically as “the Easter laugh,” this Sunday after Easter was set aside to celebrate God’s victory over the grave and the great cosmic joke on the enemy: the tomb is empty and Christ is alive! This year we… View Podcasts...
  • Any Questions? - Any Questions? Lent 2024 What is the will of God? Why do bad things happen to good people? How can I face the future? Does prayer really work? Asking questions and having doubts is a normal part of the human experience. We do not have… View Podcasts...
  • The Voice - The Voice February 2024 Our world is a noisy place, with many voices vying for our time and attention. Yet God has given his spirit of wisdom for guidance, comfort, and power. Throughout scripture, this Spirit is described as a hovering cloud, tongues of fire,… View Podcasts...
  • Fresh Start - Fresh Start January 2024 Who doesn’t want a fresh start, a clean slate? That is exactly what Jesus offers us; he gives us the chance to begin anew every single day. But this is no ordinary fresh start. When we say yes to God’s new… View Podcasts...
  • Back to the Future - Back to the Future Advent 2023 What are the promises of God revealed to God’s people through the prophets? How were these words received then? Have they been fulfilled in Christ? What promises are we still waiting for? Join us this Advent and Christmas as… View Podcasts...
  • Grateful For… - Grateful For... November 2023 It has been a wild year, yet God has provided and made and impact through us in powerful ways. So let’s celebrate! For all that we have been through, and for all the ways we have seen God’s glory and power… View Podcasts...
  • The Parable of the Lost Son - The Parable of the Lost Son October 2023 two part series The prodigal son is a story in Scripture that might be familiar to many, but it is one worth revisiting for fresh insights about God’s mercy. Join us October 22 & 29 as we… View Podcasts...
  • In a Hurry - In a Hurry Fall 2023 We live in the digital age with more information at our fingertips than ever before. There is always more to read, see, watch, and do, overwhelmed by the deluge of news, social media, streaming platforms, and alerts. The result is… View Podcasts...
  • Tossing and Turning - Tossing and Turning August 2023 All of us have things that keep us up at night, tossing and turning. What does the future hold for me? Does the Bible even talk about that? Is God too big to worry about my everyday life concerns? Join… View Podcasts...
  • Summer With Friends - Summer With Friends July 2023 We're inviting some friends to come over this summer to join us in our mission of transforming lives through teaching and service. Over the next three weeks we will welcome Debbie, Jamelle, and Larry to worship with us as they… View Podcasts...
  • Summer of Psalms - Summer of Psalms Summer 2023 The Psalms reflect just about every emotion and mood of our human experience, from shouts of praise to wrestling with the hardest questions about suffering. Their voice is refreshingly spontaneous in conversation with the divine through poetry, prayer, and of… View Podcasts...
  • Rooted - Rooted Spring 2023 In Ephesians 3, Paul prays for the church in Ephesus that they may be rooted and grounded in love and be filled with the fullness of God. What does it mean to be rooted and grounded? How can we continue to bear… View Podcasts...
  • renew - renew Lent 2023 We know what the scriptures say, we are supposed to forgive others as Jesus forgave us. But how do we do that in a world that seems so easily offended and unapologetic? What does true forgiveness look like? And how does it… View Podcasts...
  • Living Like Jesus - Living Like Jesus Winter 2023 The start of a new year is full of possibility; places to travel, goals to achieve, changes to make, new habits to create. There is a steady buzz from our world and culture that says you can live your best… View Podcasts...
  • Good News of Great Joy – Advent 2022 - Good News of Great Joy Advent 2022 The theme of joy comes up over and over again in the Christmas story. People experienced joy in times of darkness, uncertainty, and challenges back then, and we can too still today. Join us this Advent as we… View Podcasts...
  • Methodism for Smarties – November 2022 - Methodism for Smarties November 2022 Have you ever wondered what it means to be a Methodist? What do we believe about salvation or the Bible? Why do we baptize infants? Or what does it mean to be a part of a United Methodist Church? Join… View Podcasts...
  • The Way: Living Like a Saint – October 2022 - The Way: Living Like a Saint October 2022 It is that time of year again. The time that we all love; the leaves are changing, the weather is crisp and cool, the kids are picking and carving pumpkins. And it’s time to talk about church… View Podcasts...
  • Neighbors – Early Fall 2022 - Neighbors Early Fall 2022 We are familiar with the basic teaching of Jesus to “love thy neighbor as thyself;” but who really is my neighbor? The person across the street, in the shared cubicle, on the same school bus… sure!! But what about the family… View Podcasts...
  • Waiting on a Miracle – August 2022 - Waiting on a Miracle August 2022 Do you ever feel like you are just waiting on a miracle? Waiting for something to change? Waiting for your life, and the relationships that define it, to be different? Whether within our families, our friend groups, or our… View Podcasts...
  • Down to the River – Summer 2022 - Down to the River Summer 2022 Water is powerful; it can cleanse, move, rush, and change the things around it. Water is vital to all forms of life. In Scripture, we see that mighty changes happen along the banks of rivers. Join us this summer… View Podcasts...
  • Holy Ghost Stories – June 2022 - Holy Ghost Stories June 2022 Sometimes God feels far off; sometimes the work and presence of God feels like a mystery. When it comes to the Triune nature of God, the Holy Spirit is often least understood or known. Who is the Holy Spirit? And… View Podcasts...
  • Come and See – May 2022 - Come and See May 2022 It’s the power of an invitation; to a long-awaited wedding, a party with good friends, a dinner with the new neighbor. Do you remember how it felt? To feel welcome, to be included, to join in with the celebration and… View Podcasts...
  • Vice – Lent 2022 - Vice Lent 2022 Vice (n.)- immoral or wicked behavior; a moral failing or a bad habit; character traits that are obstacles to living well. Synonym: Sin. Talking about sin makes us uncomfortable. We can identify and try to avoid the “bad ones.” It’s easy to… View Podcasts...
  • The Way of Love – February 2022 - The Way of Love February 2022 We know what the scriptures say: love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and strength; love your neighbors as yourself; love is patient and kind; God is love. But living the way of love in Jesus… View Podcasts...
  • Courageous – January 2022 - Courageous January 2022 Our world often tells us that being courageous is about strength, bravery, and heroic acts. To be courageous means to be tough in the face of adversity. But scripture gives us a different model. We are called to be courageous, but often… View Podcasts...
  • What Is God Like? – Advent 2021 - What Is God Like? Advent 2021 While much about who God is and how God works remains a mystery, we can know what God is like through the revelations of God that have been given to us: the images and names of God revealed in… View Podcasts...
  • Come to the Table – November 2021 - Come to the Table November 2021 Throughout the Gospels, Jesus shared meals with others. In a world where there is an upsurge of hate and division, and a growing uncertainty about what the future holds. God calls us, as followers of Jesus Christ, to make… View Podcasts...
  • Connections – October 2021 - Connections October 2021 Life is busy, full, uncertain, and stressful. Some seasons are so overwhelming that we are left feeling tired, fragmented, disconnected, with little energy left to give toward our own spiritual lives. In these wild times, how can we breathe deeply and feel… View Podcasts...
  • The Power of Generosity – September 2021 - The Power of Generosity September 2021 “Generosity is not something that God wants from you, it is something that God wants for you."- Andy Stanley Too often when we talk about “generosity” in church, we think of it as something God or church leaders want… View Podcasts...
  • Ordinary People – August 2021 - Ordinary People August 2021 Visions, speaking in tongues, conversions, miraculous healings… the book of Acts is full of such legendary stories about the growth of the early church. Most of them feel out of this world, impossible to us today. We expect they could only… View Podcasts...
  • The Last Words – July 2021 - The Last Words July 2021 In Matthew 28, Jesus tells his disciples to “Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations…” But what does he actually mean by go? What does "making disciples" look like? How do we discern our spiritual gifts to further God's… View Podcasts...
  • Behind the Music – July 2021 - Behind the Music July 2021 For centuries our Church heritage as been influenced by the powerful songs that we sing. What we sing offers a proclamation to the world as to what we believe. What we sing lifts us up in good times and in… View Podcasts...
  • Lonely Among Us – June 2021 - Lonely Among Us June 2021 Have you been lonely lately? Have you felt isolated in life recently? Jesus knows what loneliness feels like and has a word of encouragement for you! Join us on June 27th for this message from our guest speaker and District… View Podcasts...
  • Remnant – June 2021 - Remnant June 2021 Throughout history, God has always prepared and used a remnant to bring forth his purposes in the earth. Those who have been faithful to God have found themselves part of this elect group, yet they have often faced loneliness, opposition, and other… View Podcasts...
  • Spring Fever – May 2021 - Spring Fever May 2021 A non-series? It may not follow a specific direction, but it’s all leading to the same place – deeper love for God and for his people, and a faith in Christ that can change the world. Join us for this non-series… View Podcasts...
  • This 1 Thing – Spring 2021 - This 1 Thing Spring 2021 Easter is here and spring has sprung! There are signs of new life all around us. So how do we continue to live into the hope of Christ and the promise of the coming Kingdom now? How do we continue… View Podcasts...
  • Are We There Yet? – Lent 2021 - Are We There Yet? Lent 2021 Is this over yet? Are we there yet? Are we really starting Lent… AGAIN? Some days we may still feel lost in the wilderness of last Lent or virtual everything, going around in circles, or just plain stuck. And… View Podcasts...
  • Words to Live By – February 2021 - Words to Live By February 2021 Do you have a letter from someone close to you that you hold on to because its words remain important? Maybe it holds words of encouragement, affirmation, or even love? Maybe you go back to them on really bad… View Podcasts...
  • Resilient – Winter 2021 - Resilient Winter 2021 Resilience. The human capacity to get up again and again after falling down; the ability to recover quickly from many difficulties. A new year typically sparks excitement for new opportunities, plans, dreams, and goals. And yet, at the beginning of this new… View Podcasts...
  • Go Tell It on the Mountain – Advent 2020 - Go Tell It on the Mountain Advent 2020 We have committed ourselves to this family at Revolution Church and to walk the path of discipleship together through our prayers, presence, gifts, and service. We know that we need each other to live this life within… View Podcasts...
  • Better Together – November 2020 - Better Together November 2020 What does it mean to be a part of a church community? Why do we commit ourselves to one place instead of any other church down the road? As Christians, we believe that we are a part of the great family… View Podcasts...
  • The Good Life – October 2020 - The Good Life October 2020 When you think of living the good life, what do you imagine? Being happy, wealthy, or without a care in the world? Or maybe taking exotic vacations? Our world has a lot to say about what it means to live… View Podcasts...
  • 3 Simple Rules – September 2020 - 3 Simple RulesSeptember 2020Jesus said the greatest commandment is to love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, and soul. And the second greatest is like it; love your neighbor as yourself. Love God and love your neighbor. That is our call as… View Podcasts...
  • Finding Life In Unexpected Places – August 2020 - Life is weird, and unexpected, and hard, and beautiful. But God never stops planting seeds of hope, even in the midst of strange and difficult times. For such is the upside-down, backward Kingdom of God; showing up in places that we don’t expect or often… View Podcasts...
  • Unsung Heroes – Summer 2020 - Noah, Abraham, Sarah, Jacob, Moses, Joshua, Mary, Jesus, Peter, Paul… we know their stories and tell how they inform our belief in God and Jesus Christ today. But what about the other, lesser known characters and stories? Like the ones listed in Hebrews as a… View Podcasts...
  • The Call – June 2020 - As some begin to reemerge from the quarantine of COVID-19, our world feels more divided than ever. The words of Paul to the Christians in Ephesus still ring loud and true; we as believers should be eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit and… View Podcasts...
  • Resurrecting Me – Spring 2020 - Christ is Risen! He is alive! The tomb is empty! I am free! Now what? What happens next? We experience the resurrection of Jesus Christ and know he has broken the power of sin and death, yet these things still remain. That is because the… View Podcasts...
  • I AM – Lent 2020 - According to its author, the gospel of John was written “so that you may come to believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that through believing you may have life in his name” (John 20:31). Over and over again in this… View Podcasts...
  • Set Apart – February 2020 - Now that the Israelites have learned more about who God is (God hears, calls, saves, and provides), they must learn what God requires of them to become a chosen, royal nation. Join us as we continue to journey through Exodus to see how God calls… View Podcasts...
  • Braving the Wilderness – January 2020 - A new year brings excitement of new plans, goals, and hopes. But a new year is also an unknown frontier; what will the year have in store? What should we do or where should we go? 2019 was a challenging year in the life of… View Podcasts...
  • Do You Hear What I Hear? – December 2019 - We know the songs and sing the carols all about the blessed angels and the message they came to bring on that first Christmas. Hark the herald angels sing, angels we have heard on high, it came upon the midnight clear… but do we still… View Podcasts...
  • All Things – November 2019 - In a month often dedicated to practicing gratitude and showing our thanksgiving for the many blessings in our lives, we remember the words of scripture teaching us to give thanks in all circumstances. Why are we called to do that? What does that really mean?… View Podcasts...
  • Consider the Birds – October 2019 - We live in uncertain times. The future is always uncertain, so it is easy to worry over what tomorrow will bring, fear the unknown, and doubt God’s provision through it all. How can we learn to trust God’s promises, power, and protection? How can we… View Podcasts...
  • Second Nature – September 2019 - New seasons give way to opportunities to develop new habits. In our fast-paced, chaotic, anxious world, how are we developing good, spiritual habits? In the midst of others’ expectations, how can we find peace in God’s presence? We all have habits, rhythms and practices that… View Podcasts...
  • Summer Drive-In – Summer 2019 - Did you ever notice how the stories we tell all in some way reflect the gospel? Whether it's about good versus evil, or discovering your hidden beauty, sacrificing for the sake of love, or even the classic underdog story where the poor, the meek, and the… View Podcasts...
  • When We Gather – Summer 2019 - All throughout the story of Acts we see the power of God showing up in amazing ways wherever the apostles gathered. People were healed, chains were broken, and more and more were added to the number of those who believed. Jesus taught that where two… View Podcasts...
  • Farewell Tour – June 2019 - Join us in sending forth two of our beloved pastors as they follow the call of God to new appointments. Listen in as Ashlee Adkins and Brian Ebel give their final messages in this most bittersweet of series... the Farewell Tour 2019. listen hear more… View Podcasts...
  • Jonah: The Reluctant Missionary – June 2019 - God calls us all. Sometimes he calls us to unexpected places at unexpected times in unexpected ways. Jonah experienced this. How can we embrace God’s purposes with joy and fulfill the plan for our lives? Join us this June as we dive into the life… View Podcasts...
  • Abundance (Live Generously) – Spring 2019 - All of us want to live an abundant life, but not all of us feel like we’re living in it. Jesus came that we would live abundantly, so where is the disconnect between that promise and our everyday life? Scripture teaches us that with the… View Podcasts...
  • The Trinity – Easter 2019 - One of the most essential beliefs of the Church that has stood for nearly 1,700 years is that God is Triune – Father, Son, and Spirit, three persons and one God, and one God in three persons. If you’ve been a Christian for a bit,… View Podcasts...
  • How to Throwdown Without a Showdown – February 2019 - Why is it that our disagreements escalate so quickly? One minute it’s a disagreement, and the next minute it seems like we’ve been invited into the octagon for a mixed martial arts fight. Thankfully, the Scriptures show us that conflict is manageable and can be… View Podcasts...
  • Facing the Giants – January 2019 - We’ve all seen and struggled with a giant or two in our lives. Giants seem to be overwhelming, unbeatable, and most of all…they tend to keep us fixated on how big they are and how small and powerless we are. This January, join us at… View Podcasts...
  • JOY – Christmas 2018 - Joy. It’s the core ingredient of Christmas.  A people who walked in darkness have seen a great light!  An angel comes with good news of great joy!  The magi rejoiced with great joy when they saw the star! In the season of joy to the… View Podcasts...
  • 20/20 Vision – Fall 2018 - Vision. The Bible says that without it…the people perish. Corporate America says that every organization needs a vision for where it’s going. What about Revolution Church? Where are we headed? What’s God calling us to do? Join us as we unpack life at Revolution Church… View Podcasts...
  • Neighbors – Fall 2018 - Wherever you live, you have them. How well do you know them? How much do you interact with them? If they were in need for more than a stick of butter or gas for the lawnmower, would you help them? Neighbors. Jesus has plenty to… View Podcasts...
  • LEGIT – Late Summer 2018 - We want it. We work on it. We try to gain it. Character. Character matters. Who we are, what we value, how we live, what we’ll live and die for – these are some of the many questions we answer when it comes to character.… View Podcasts...
  • My Favorite Sermon – Summer 2018 - These are some of our all-time favorite messages. But whether old or new, they each have a timeless impact on our lives as Christians. Check them out this summer and maybe they'll become you're favorites too! listen hear more + subscribe Want to hear more?… View Podcasts...
  • Shears, Shoots, and Fruit – June 2018 - Jesus is getting ready to fulfill his mission. He’s on his way to the cross.He has been betrayed by Judas. He has told Peter he will deny him three times in a matter of hours. So then they leave the meal wondering... will it be… View Podcasts...
  • FILLED – Spring 2018 - It’s that time of year when the horses run, flowers bloom, boats are launched, and golf courses are filled with people. Life begins to bloom and remind us of a new season of God’s activity as he's working in our lives to fill us with… View Podcasts...
  • Unanswered Prayers – Spring 2018 - What’s your unanswered prayer? Everyone has had an unanswered prayer at some point in their life. Whether it’s a need for healing, a situation to change, a relationship to be mended, or a blessing that we believe we need, unanswered prayers happen. Unanswered prayers can… View Podcasts...
  • The Bad Boys of Easter – Lent 2018 - What’cha gonna do when they come for you? They all came for him, or they all left him. One by one, disciples, religious leaders, and the Roman Governor, were the bad boys who sent Jesus to the cross. Count down the last hours of Jesus’… View Podcasts...
  • Kingdom Economics – February 2018 - We are one month into the new year. Your Christmas bills are now due. Your monthly expenses have gone up. You see the neighbors down the street bought a new car. Your friends bought the latest gadget. They have it all and you seem to… View Podcasts...
  • STORM – January 2018 - Have you ever been in a storm? You become sick. Lose a loved one. There are cutbacks at work and you lose your job. Your marriage is in shambles. Your kids act out. You wonder in the midst of it all…where are you God?!? Everyone… View Podcasts...
  • 2017 Teachings - I'll Be Home for Christmas Christmas 2017 Advent is the season we often prepare ourselves for the birth of Jesus Christ. But it’s even bigger than that. We also remember that he’s coming back! Join us this season at Revolution Church for our latest teaching… View Podcasts...
  • 2016 Teachings - The Mamas and the Papas Christmas 2016 The focal point of Christmas is without a doubt the birth of Jesus Christ. But what about the road to Christmas? Just who were these groovy parents of Jesus and his cousin John the Baptist? Join us this… View Podcasts...
  • 2015 Teachings - When God Moved in the Neighborhood Christmas 2015 Give me the real thing. Isn’t that what we all want? The real thing? In a world of so much masquerade, masking, and manipulation, people want what’s real and authentic. So we come to the Christmas season. What’s… View Podcasts...
  • 2014 Teachings - Promise November 30 - December 28, 2014 The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel - which means, “God with us.” Matthew 1:23 Since the beginning, God has been making promises. He made promises in a… View Podcasts...